Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Violence Between Genders

Whenever I think about violence and aggression and how it relates to gender, I automatically say to myself, "oh by far men are more aggressive, without a doubt."  In chapter 2 of "Bodily Harm", the author gives many examples to back up the notion of violence between males and females.  These examples include evidence from genetic research that was performed, as well as hormones being indicators of increased violence.  These hormone levels, for example in males who take steroids, are increased and may cause them to be more violent and aggressive.  Along with genetics there are neural and physiological factors that come into play with violent behavior.  In the reading for example, the author states that "...differences in serotonin levels, are thought to be linked to aggression as well" ( Hatty, p. 55).  One section of the reading I thoroughly agreed with was the evidence Anne Campbell argued.  She argues that male violent acts are "to reaffirm a positive self-concept, enhance self-esteem, and reclaim interpersonal power" (Hatty, p. 57).  Whereas females view aggression as a failure to control emotions and feel guilty after the act is performed. This is not always true of all males, but studies have shown more violence is done towards women, than violence is done towards men.  After having Dr. David Widman lecture in class today I began to wonder, does evolution play a role in the increased aggression and violence in males?  There are a couple factors I thought of that could explain why this may be the case.  In the past men had to fight for a woman in the sense to have their genes passed down through generations.  This may have led to violence and certainly aggression, because the better genes were the ones chosen to be spread.  Another reason could be just like with male animal species, they fight for the protection of their family.  Males nowadays are thought as the "bread-winners" of the family, and set that expectation for them.  This has always been the case that men go out and hunt for food and women are usually the gatherers (there are a few exceptions).  Therefore it is like a dog-eat-dog world for males because they always want to best next best thing, and to be above everyone else around them.

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