Thursday, September 27, 2012

Third Wave Feminism,

This is a continuation of my previous blog on postmodern feminism.  I found myself disagreeing with the ideas third wave feminists propose.  I agree with the fact that they are more comfortable about women enhancing their bodies (i.e. wearing makeup and dresses) and still being a feminist.  I do not agree with the second half of the statement that says it is okay for women to do those things to suit social norms and cultural expectations about what counts as beautiful.  This is a contradiction in my mind because the first wave of feminism it was all about in powering women and to have them not conform to society's norms that are set for them.  If all women were to conform to these norms there would still be inequality for us because we would just be here to pass the genes and something to be looked at by men.  By conforming we would be lessening everything that was set for us during the feminist movement.  Another thing that is accepted by third wave feminists is that all women are accepted, even those who are involved in the porn industry.  In my opinion this goes completely against the notion of what it means to be a feminist.  Regardless if a woman is "economically depressed" that is no excuse to degrade yourself, or women in general, to make a couple bucks.  There are women everywhere who are economically depressed but find other ways to provide for themselves, rather than degrading themselves by sexual means.  There is not line drawn with what is considered to be feministic and what isn't.  It can confuse people because it does, on a large scale, contradict early establishments of what it means to be a feminist.  

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