Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Liberia Presentation

I found the presentation today on Liberia to be very interesting and informative.  Generally speaking I know that woman in different countries and cultures have treated much differently than women in the United States.   I had no idea to what extent and was unaware of the gender issues going on in Liberia.  The horror that those woman went through was terrible and it was very uncomfortable to me to read/hear their confessions.  Even though in this class we talk about woman being degraded and still having inequalities; it is nothing compared to what those women went through everyday during the various wars.  What we do have in common with the woman of Liberia are that we are degraded by men, in ways such as rape and violence, because that is the way men show dominance.  I thought it was fantastic that the women of Liberia stood up for themselves and armed themselves to level out the playing field.  I don't believe it should have been something that was portrayed as being negative it was just against the norm of what is expected of woman.  I believe that the woman bared arms not only to protect themselves, but as a sign to the men saying that yes we can do exactly what you are doing.  The gender issues that many countries face is sad and it really makes me appreciate the life I have as a woman in America.  While I still have small battles and inequalities to face, it is nothing compared to what the women of Liberia went through during the war.

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