Saturday, November 3, 2012

Rape Culture Presentation

Overall I enjoyed the presentation in class on Thursday on rape culture.  The definition of what rape is one that is viewed differently by people and cross-culturally.  My definition of rape was changed after their presentation because I was more informed as to what it entails, and that there are different types of rape.  What really surprised me throughout the discussion was the number of guys in the class who had no idea the degree to which women are paranoid about being rape or sexually harassed.  I know personally it is one of my biggest fears and I would have not known what rape was until high school.  I watch a lot of Law and Order: SVU which specifically deals with rape cases and sexual mutilation.  Other than that my mom never talks about being afraid of it happening to her, but she has started to carry pepper spray.  I think a sense of venerability to something like that is not a bad thing because it makes you more aware of your surroundings. It would be naive of me to walk around and think that nothing like that could happen to me, because it can happen to anyone, anytime.  I feel safe on campus but as soon as I step off campus and even in my hometown I get very nervous and become more and more aware of my surroundings.  I have contemplated taking a self-defense class because no one knows if something like that could happen to them.  It is better to be prepared in my opinion, even though Celia mentioned about women who have taken self-defense become more worried because they realize everything that could happen.  I understand that and it is a valid point because being under-educated on the subject may be a good or a bad thing depending on the person.  For me I think I would rather be prepared than not know how to deal with it when the time comes.

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