Thursday, November 8, 2012

Politics Presentation

Overall I feel as though our presentation went well today, I felt as though the class got involved which was really great.  I enjoyed listening to Dr. Plane talk during our presentation because he further solidified what our presentation was about.  He highlighted the main points that we wanted our presentation to focus on the stereotypes those women in the political arena face.  I think doing the box exercise showed that for women who are trying to obtain power; it is based a lot on their appearance, and maybe not so much on their credibility.  It is a shame to me to see Mrs. Obama downgrade from such a powerful position such as a lawyer, to the wife of the president, where yes she does have respect, but she is not known for being a high-power lawyer.  She is now known for being a mother and an advocate for childhood obesity.  I'm not saying that identity isn't a good one; it is just shows how most first ladies had to give up their careers to become the wife of the president.  I know we never got to the question as to why feminists were not fans of Hillary Clinton, but I do not think I know that answer to that question.  It would make sense to say that they are 100% in favor of Hillary Clinton because she advocates for equality for women, in a sense, because she is fighting every day to be recognized for her abilities, rather than her being a woman.  She is finally giving women a voice in politics, and then many feminists want to say they don't support her, I just don't understand.

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