Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reproductive Rights for Women

I thought the presentation on Tuesday was in perfect timing especially with the new presidential election.  There are many issues surrounding women's reproductive rights and what they really are.  Many of the rights to women come along with a social stigma, for example, abortion.  I thought the group did a nice job at mediating the discussion because of how controversial abortion is between groups of people.  The only thing that I thought could have made the presentation more in-depth was to look at not only abortion, but also how reproductive rights are for women laid out in the law.  For example the Affordable Care Act proposed by President Obama does provide some avenues for women to receive contraceptives and well-woman visits to their doctors at little or no charge.  I would like to learn more about this and feel as though it is much gendered, and in this time in favor of women.  I think for those who are grounded in their religion and believe that women should not be on any form of birth control, will find issues with the act.  The majority of women, including myself and my friends, find the access to contraceptives for free and doctor's visits to be free a great resource.  Throughout the discussion on Tuesday it was concluded that many factors come into play when talking about abortions, but the big one was health education.  I know in my high school we were taught abstinence rather than what should be done if a person chooses to become sexually active.  By that point in time, about 25% of the girls in my class were pregnant, and I'm sure many students had already had sex.

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